Facet Joint Syndrome

"I Have To Have An Adjustment Before I Go Into The Ring. I Do Believe In Chiropractic. I Found That Going To A Chiropractor Three Times A Week Helps My Performance. The Majority Of Boxers Go To Get That Edge."

-Evander Holyfield

Facet joints are present at the top and bottom of each spinal vertebra. These joints help stabilize the spine from movements which otherwise would cause serious injury. Facets also support the compressive loads of the weight above them. These joints are surrounded by a capsule and are similar to the ones present in your shoulder to tolerate excess force or trauma that is exerted on these joints. Trauma or degeneration causes inflammation in the facets and can cause nerve root pressure which can feel like shooting, burning, radiating pain or it may just be sore to touch. Because the joint supports weight whenever you are not laying on your back it will continue to be inflamed and become a chronic degenerative problem if no treatment is provided. Poor posture and fallen arches of the feet may also cause or aggravate this problem because of uneven facet loading (a facet carrying more than its fair share of weight).

Further Research Studies in Low Back Pain Supporting Chiropractic as First Choice in Treatment:

Van Tubler M. Conservative treatment of acute and chronic nonspecific low back pain: a systemic review of randomized controlled trials of the most common interventions. Spine vol 22. no 18:2128-56.

Shekelle P. The use and costs of chiropractic care in the health insurance experiment. Santa Monica: Rand Corp.

Shekelle P. Spinal Manipulation for low-back pain. Annals of Internal Medicine 1992. vol 117. no 7:590-98.

Shekelle P. The appropriateness of spinal manipulation for low back pain: project overview and literature review. 1991 Santa Monica: Rand Corp.

Shekelle P. Congruence between decisions to initiate chiropractic spinal manipulation for low back pain and appropriateness criteria in north america. 1998 Annal of Internal Medicine. vol 129. no 1:9-17.

Bigos S. Acute low back problems in adults: clinical practice guidelines No. 14 Rockville: Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Erhard R. Relative effectiveness of an extension program and a combined program of manipulation and flexion and extension exercises in patients with acute low back syndrome. 1994 Physical Therapy vol 74. no. 12:1093-1100.

Bronfort G. Spinal manipulation: current state of research and its indications. 1999 Neurologic Clinics of North America. vol 17 no. 1:91-111.

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